Tuesday 5 July 2011

I say Buda, you say...

PEST! We have arrived in Hungary! I'm currently sat outside a cafe on a tree lined avenue, surrounded by boroque architecture, watching trams tootle past having a sausage roll and tea. This really is a beautiful city.
The day started early yesterday, I was up at 6 a bit too excited for my own good. After breakfasting and watching a documentry about causes of the first world war, I made my way to Chris Owen's house. There was no answer at the door. Neil Yates turned up and explained Chris Owen was out buying travel insurance. The taxi soon turned up, as did everyone else, but still no Chris Owen. What a guy!!
On CO's arrival we were off to the airport.
Sat next to a couple who are also going Exit!
After checking into our hostel on an island in the middle of the Danube, we hit the town.
The view from the bridge that connects Buda to Pest and our island to both is stunning. I'll try and show some photos of it in tomorrows blog.
The bar was well good. It was in a courtyard surrounded by balconies, with steps leading off to differant rooms and bars. Me and CO sang Common People (see Neil Yate's holiday snaps) and tried it on with a few Magyr girls. They were having non of it, so we eventually called it a night and crossed the Danube to our beds. 8 of thm, all in one room. It smelled this morning. After we opened the doors onto the sun terrace facing the river the smell soon went. Going to have an ice cream now. Toodles.ope