Sunday 15 July 2012

So far, so good.

Sofia is very warm and very nice.
We arrived about 8.30pm local time after an eventful flight that involved a strange panicing lady nearly getting arrested as we boarded, going around a big storm and someone a couple of rows in front having an epileptic fit. It was like my English A level exam all over again.

The sun was low as we flew over Sofia and we had a clear view of the tower blocks, parkland, the national stadium and the national palace of culture.

Only a small airport, so we were quickly through and in taxis on our way to our hotel. The ride through the city at dusk was nice, along a large road with parkland full of people, and lots of bright lights for bars and shops. Like Blackpool, but less shit.
The hotel is clean but small and basic.
We got ready quickly for a night out, only slowed down by my new pumps still being tied together. Since we had no scissors or knives, I asked the middle aged lady on reception if she had any scissors, making the scissors hand signal at the offending string. She took the pumps in hand and said "Ah! Espadrilski!" We think it means scissors or elasticated string, we're not sure.
The hotel isn't far from the centre, so we wandered down, eat in a nice resteraunt, had cocktails in an art museum bar, then tried to find a club.
All the bars we passed seemed empty, which was upsetting for a Saturday night. We'd gone in the rough direction a girl from Portsmouth and her mates had advised us. She looked like a fat Laura Marling.
We found a club called 'The Jim Beam Club', which charged a 2lev "entrance tax", but seemed dead. Untill we went downstairs!! It was swish, lots of people, semi-decent music, resonable drinks. The vodoo doll hanging in a nuce wearing a T-shiry with the German national flag made me happy to be English. I was wearing my Burnley shirt.

Got back to the hotel about 4am local time, still swealtering in 28C heat. Complimented the middle aged lady on her Jane MacDonald esque shiny top.

We're now off for Breakfast/Dinner and to have a look at the Orthadox Cathedral, the main Synagogue and the Banya Bashi Mosque and she which one has the best domes and the best beards.

Good times.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Back to the Balkans

Next week me and the chaps are going to Sofia, Athens and Thessaloniki on a bit of a tour. While Soifa, capital of Bulgaria, might sound dull and grey, do a Google image search, I think you'll be surprised. Do it now. Some great domes there, I'm sure you'll agree.
No Chirs Owen on this trip though I'm afraid. That means no vests, no confusion over how far we are from America or Burnley, no falling asleep on UNESCO World Heritage sites and no writing friends name's on skin in sun-block.
This will be the first time I've been to any part of the Balklans that was never part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. All three citites we once part of the Ottoman Empire.

I fly on Saturday, three nights in Sofia, three nights in Athens, two nights in Thessaloniki, then home. I'll try and keep up with this blog, but probably not if I'm busy or drunk or both.